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Warsaw Central
8 минут от Варшавского железнодорожного музея
6 минут от интерактивного музея пинбола "Pinball Station"
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Контроль за сохранностью багажа
Показать все отзывы Свернуть4.5
(2 Отзывы)
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Сентябрь 2023
Мой опыт?
Мой опыт?
In general, the impressions were positive, but only after I met the guy who took my things.
Due to the lack of signage, or any signage at all, near the property, I waited a long time and walked past it several times. And it was VERY INCONVENIENT. You don’t always have a suitcase on wheels, and even if you do, circling around the building when you are so close, but don’t know that you are already there, is so-so. So, my review: YOU NEED A SIGN THAT IT IS YOU.
The interaction with the guy who picked up the items was positive, he was polite and friendly.
I also want to add that, oddly enough, not everyone knows English or Polish, for example, using Google translator for travel, then there should be people in support who know different languages for communication, that would be very cool.
I hope my review helps you become a better person, that's all.
In general, the impressions were positive, but only after I met the guy who took my things.
Due to the lack of signage, or any signage at all, near the property, I waited a long time and walked past it several times. And it was VERY INCONVENIENT. You don’t always have a suitcase on wheels, and even if you do, circling around the building when you are so close, but don’t know that you are already there, is so-so. So, my review: YOU NEED A SIGN THAT IT IS YOU.
The interaction with the guy who picked up the items was positive, he was polite and friendly.
I also want to add that, oddly enough, not everyone knows English or Polish, for example, using Google translator for travel, then there should be people in support who know different languages for communication, that would be very cool.
I hope my review helps you become a better person, that's all.
Olga Yevtukh
Июнь 2023
Очень дружелюбный Хост
Очень дружелюбный Хост
Я пользовался Radical Storage в
Ближайшие пункты хранения багажа
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Камера хранения Мирув
Palace of Culture and Science
районе Мирув
5 минутах от Космос Музеум Варшава
5 минутах от Космос Музеум Варшава
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Камера хранения Фабрика Норблина
2 минуты от трамвайной остановки Norblin 03
4 минуты от Варшавского центра укрепления здоровья - Панацея
4 минуты от Варшавского центра укрепления здоровья - Панацея
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Камера хранения около Cosmos Muzeum Warszawa
3 минуты от Космос Музеум Варшава
1 минута от Kataryniarz Warszawski
1 минута от Kataryniarz Warszawski
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Камера хранения Варшава Центральная
Warsaw Central
6 минут от Варшавы Центральной
8 минут от Римского музыкального театра
8 минут от Римского музыкального театра
Открыто 24/7
Камера хранения около Возле Римского Музыкального Театра
Palace of Culture and Science
5 минут от Музыкального театра Рома
7 минут от Центрального железнодорожного вокзала
7 минут от Центрального железнодорожного вокзала
3 миллиона чемоданов побывало в наших надежных руках
24/7 Поддержка клиентов
zł 14000 Багаж Гарантия
4.8 ( 256102 Отзывы )
zł 20
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